25 thoughts on “iPhone 4S review

  1. If you’re ABSOLUTELY sure that it’s not a mechanical/physical problem with the button, then you are mistaken. If siri doesn’t come up, then it’s an iPhone 4.

  2. I have an iPhone 4S but I don’t have siri and I am pretty sure it’s an iPhone 4S. Mines running on iOS 6.1.3 any one have the same thing or I’m mistaking and my phone might be an iphone 4

  3. Gotta Love the new iphone 5.

    @BigLion25 well that is personal preference, i love the layout on the iphone 5 and i love the iphone in thw whole. i do not like the way android’s layout is nor do i like the android. As far as I got my iphone 5 for free, I can’t complain:) Just Google for: AzzingleGiveaways

    Loving the new product celebration promotions 😉

  4. @johnyrabbitboy, and for those below who are looking for an iPhone 5 for Free, simply go to: AzzingleGiveaways

    My 18 years brother just got one in his mail this morning, awesome stuff!

  5. you can actually get an iphone 5 for Free, simply try to google for something like: AzzingleGiveaways
    My 18 years brother just received one this morning, couldn’t beleive my eyes! it’s limited promotion I think

  6. I don’t understand the people that talk trash about people that use certain phones in comments. Let people use whatever phone they want, it’s not going to bother you any. This is a good review, so i’ll be checking out other videos from you guys whenever I want to check out a new phone.

  7. Get the iPhone 5 for larger and better screen. Also for performance. Also, letter boxes in movies are reduced. But, there’s not a lot on the OS to use the extra screen space.

  8. besides the physical change, there won’t be a difference between the iphone 5 and 4S since the other changes are in the OS.

  9. Is it good to buy iPhone 4S instead of 5? Are there so many HUGE differences and updates, or is 4S just fine?

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